I'm trying to make a custom popover for a table cell, in order to show a cell details when clicking on it, in a way similar to mdBoostrap popovers.
For now, I have the following app: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-m5rx6j
The Popup component shown under the main component, but I would like to show it over the table, just under the element I clicked.
I suppose I need to do the following :
- Get the ElementRef of the 'td' where I click -> I don't know how
- Attach the overlay to this element -> Already do that, but with the root element
There're a two amazing articles about using OverLay from CDK in Netanet Basal's Blog
- Creating Powerful Components with Angular CDK
- Context Menus Made Easy with Angular CDK
I try to simplyfied in this stackblitz
Basicaly you has a service that inject Overlay
constructor(private overlay: Overlay) { }
To open a template you pass the origin (I called him "origin"), the template (I called menu) and the viewContainerRef of your component
this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create(
this.getOverlayConfig({ origin: origin})
//I can pass "data" as implicit and "close" to close the menu
this.overlayRef.attach(new TemplatePortal(menu, viewContainerRef, {
$implicit: data, close:this.close
getOverLayConfig return a config some like
private getOverlayConfig({ origin}): OverlayConfig {
return new OverlayConfig({
hasBackdrop: false,
backdropClass: "popover-backdrop",
positionStrategy: this.getOverlayPosition(origin),
scrollStrategy: this.overlay.scrollStrategies.close()
And the position strategie is where you want to attach the template -an array with your preferered positions, e.g.
originX: "center",
originY: "bottom",
overlayX: "center",
overlayY: "top"
Well, the other part of the code is about close the template element. I choose create in the service a function open that
1.-attach the element
2.-create a subscription of
this.sub = fromEvent<MouseEvent>(document, "click")
3.-return an observable that return null or the argument you pass in a function "close"(*)
NOTE: Don't forget incluyed in your css ~@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css
(*) this allow me my template like
<ng-template #tpl let-close="close" let-data>
<div class="popover" >
<h5>{{name}} {{data.data}}</h5> //<--name is a variable of component
//data.data a variable you can pass
And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?
<a (click)="close('uno')">Close</a> //<--this close and return 'uno'
Update if we want to attach a component first we need remember that must be in the entryComponents of the module
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule,OverlayModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent,HelloComponent], //<--HERE
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
entryComponents:[HelloComponent] //<--and HERE
Well, to attach a component is simple change the attach and use ComponentPortal, e.g.
const ref=this.overlayRef.attach(new ComponentPortal(HelloComponent,viewContainerRef))
then, if our component has somes inputs, e.g.
@Input() name="Angular";
@Input() obj={count:0};
We can use ref.instance to access to the component, e.g
ref.instance.name="New Name"
But as we want maintain the service the most general use, I want to use the argument "data" to give values to the variables, so our function "open" becomes
open(origin: any, component: any, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, data: any) {
this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create(
this.getOverlayConfig({ origin: origin})
const ref=this.overlayRef.attach(new ComponentPortal(component, viewContainerRef));
for (let key in data) //here pass all the data to our component
...rest of code...
As always, if we pass an object, all the changes in the component change the properties of the object, so in our main component can be make some like
{name:'new Name'+index,obj:this.obj})
See that, as I pass as obj an object any change in the component change the propertie of the object, in my case the component is very simple
selector: 'component',
template:`Hello {{name}}
<button (click)="obj.count=obj.count+1">click</button>
export class HelloComponent {
@Input() name="Angular";
@Input() obj={count:0};
You can see in a new stackblitz
Update2 To close the panel from the HelloComponent we need inject the service as public and use close. more or less, a button
<button (click)="popupService.close(4)">close</button>
where you inject the service
constructor(public popupService: MenuContextualService){}
To get the ref of an element, you can use a template identifier: #this_element
You can directly use the value inside the component template, or get a Typescript variable from @ViewChild
/ @ViewChildren
For example in your code:
<td #this_element>
<div (click)="open(this_element)">Overlay Host1</div>
And your open
function would now read open(element: any)
with element
having a type depending on where you put #this_element
And you can also get a hold of this element in your component code through
@ViewChild('this_element', { static: true }) element;
There is a bit of warning in the Angular docs if you need to access nativeElement
though, so beware if you run inside a web worker. You might want to use Renderer2
instead in this case.