How to retrieve remote port in Django

梦想与她 提交于 2020-02-24 12:19:13


I am writing a web server script and need remote port from which a client connected. Is there any way I may retrieve it? I am using django framework for development.


When a client sends a HTTP Request, there would be one source TCP port at the machine, which would be modified in NAT process. Finally, SYN (TCP) to web server would be from, say port P1. I need that port P1 from which the web server receives a connection request.

Now in HttpRequest meta dict, I was not able to see it. Is there any other way?


The destination (server) port is included in the request's meta dictionary.

def get_port(request):
    if 'SERVER_PORT' in request.META:
        return request.META['SERVER_PORT']
        return None

The source port will not be accessible at the application layer of the TCP/IP stack.


This does not seem possible with only Django, however if you run it on top of Apache and mod_wsgi you can then access it from a request object by request.META['REMOTE_PORT']


I also proposed the similiar question with no satisfying answers. Finally, after days of struggling, I answer it, with a working, but ugly Solution on 'how to get client port in Django'. Anyone see this please help me to improve this method.

  1. in your python26/Lib/, find def process_request_thread,add global gClientPort; gClientPort = client_address

  2. use this global value in yout project. Its format is ('',55437) for example. 55437 is the port number.

