Squashing Git commits after merging

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-02-24 11:02:28


I have a feature branch that has a few commits (see below). Since branching, a few commits have been added to master too.

So I merged master into the feature branch.

git checkout feature
git merge master

This results in the below log history on the feature branch:

*    E (HEAD) merging master into feature
| *  D feature commit 2
| |
| *  C feature commit 1
* |  B master commit 2
*    A master commit 1

In reality the number of commits on the feature path is large (100+) and I'd like to squash them all.

Is there a way to just squash the commits on the feature branch only while preserving those on the master line?


Yes you can. So you want to turn the commit graph in your question into this new graph:

*    E (HEAD) merging master into feature
| *  D feature commit (squashes 1 and 2)
* |  B master commit 2
*    A master commit 1

The procedure:

  1. Ensure your working tree is clean. No uncommitted changes, no staged changes, no untracked files.
  2. Ensure you are on the feature branch.
  3. git reset --hard *Hash of D on feature branch*
  4. git reset --soft *Hash of A on master*
  5. git commit with the message you desire.
  6. git merge master


Iff the Question adresses just the case where all commits just live in the local repository, the Question is (apart from my coment) solved. In case only a locale git repository is involved it is aquivalent to:

git checkout feature
git rebase -i
      // mark all commits to be squashed
git merge master

but you should resets masterbranch to E in order to publish your changes:

git checkout master
git reset --hard feature

or (iff you really prefer to work with the comitish) git reset --hard *Hash of E*. I'm going to check weather the use of git reset works if C was already pushed to the remote repository.

