I have an existing Rails project which I created in API mode, using no DB. Upon trying to deploy to Heroku, I am getting lots of ActiveRecord related errors.
-----> Detecting rake tasks
! Could not detect rake tasks
! ensure you can run `$ bundle exec rake -P` against your app
! and using the production group of your Gemfile.
! rake aborted!
! URI::InvalidURIError: bad URI(is not URI?): ://user:pass@
To replicate the skip-active-record
setup in an existing project, follow the steps in this answer
REMOVE config/environments/development.rb -> config.active_storage.service = :local
REMOVE config/environments/production.rb -> config.active_storage.service = :local
REMOVE config/environments/test.rb -> config.active_storage.service = :local
REMOVE bin/setup -> puts "\n== Preparing database =="
system! 'bin/rails db:prepare'
DELETE config/storage.yml
REMOVE test/test_helper.rb # Setup all fixtures in test/fixtures/*.yml for all tests in alphabetical order.
fixtures :all