#!/bin/bash read -p "please input pid:" pid ps_pid=`ps aux|awk '{print $2}'|grep $pid` if [ ! $ps_pid ];then echo "Please ensure pid:$pid is exist!" exit 1 else echo "The MEM is `grep -i vmsize /proc/$pid/status |awk '{print $2}'` kB" echo "The CPU is `ps -Lo %cpu -p $ps_pid|sed -n 2p` %" fi
2. 编写脚本实现每分钟检查一个主机端口是否存活(提示使用nmap),如果检查到端口不在线,sleep 10s,如果三次不存在,记录到日志
#!/bin/bash read -p "Please input Ip:(eg: " ip_add read -p "Please input Port:(eg:3306): " ip_port if [ ! $ip_add ];then echo "Please input Ip!" exit 1 elif [ ! $ip_port ];then echo "Please input Port!" exit 1 fi i=1 while true;do port_status=`nmap $ip_add -p $ip_port|grep $ip_port|awk '{print $2}'` if [ "$prot_status" != "open" ];then sleep 10 let i++ if [ $i == 3 ];then echo "$ip_add:$ip_port is down at $(date +%F_%T)" >> /var/log/ip_port.log break fi else break fi sleep 60 done
3. 编写脚本/root/bin/execute.sh,判断参数文件是否为sh后缀的普通文件,如果是,添加所有人可执行权限,否则提示用户非脚本文件
#!/bin/bash file=`echo "$1"|sed -nr 's#.*\.(sh$)#\1#p'` if [ "$file" = "sh" -a -f "$1" ];then chmod a+x $1 echo "Permission has been added!" else echo "$1 is not scripts file!" fi
4. 编写脚本/root/bin/nologin.sh和login.sh,实现禁止和允许普通用户登录系统
#!/bin/bash if [ ! -f "/etc/nologin" ];then touch /etc/nologin #echo "ALL User is not allow to login!" fi
#!/bin/bash if [ -f "/etc/nologin" ];then rm -f /etc/nologin #echo "ALL User is allowed to login!" fi
5. 编写脚本/root/bin/sumid.sh,计算/etc/passwd文件中的第10个用户和第20个用户的ID之和
#!/bin/bash L10=`sed -n 10p /etc/passwd|awk -F: '{print$3}'` L20=`sed -n 20p /etc/passwd|awk -F: '{print$3}'` echo $(($L10+$L20))