My current Sidekiq setup with the following is processing the image, but nothing is being done in the background. The page takes 10 seconds to load and then the new image is shown on the redirected page with the following path. https://d9vwx0ll7rhpx.cloudfront.net/development/photo/image/product_thumb/product_thumb_0046d4ca-ca8d-4c02-b8cd-da0255c5736e.jpg
I would like for this process to be done in the background.
def create
@photo = Photo.new(photo_params)
if @photo.save
UploadsWorker.perform_async(@photo.id, photo_params)
flash[:notice] = "Your new photograph is being processed."
redirect_to photographer_listings_path(@photog)
flash[:notice] = "Check the fields marked with an orange flag."
render 'new'
class UploadsWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
def perform(photo_id, photo_params)
photo = Photo.find(photo_id)
photo.image = photo_params["image"]
I instead tried to use the CarrierWave Backgrounder gem, but found that the version processing doesnt take place. The code runs but I am left with no image on the page redirect after a new record saves.
When looking at the Sidekiq web interface, I can see that the job is being run and then completes.
However I am left with an image ( within the same directory) that has denied access.
Strange that occurs seeing the url shown at the top when not using the gem was valid.
I had to use store_in_background rather than process_in_background in order for the image to be properly uploaded to s3