Currently I use this to get the username of the remote system:
Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem -Computer $tag1 | Format-Table -Property @{Name="Username";Expression={$_.username}} -Autosize;
This will output:
I want to store the AJSTEPANIK part to a variable so I can use it in another part of the script, but I am unsure how to trim it or if there is another command to get just the name.
You'll want to split the string into two parts (the domain and the username), using the backslash as a delimiter. That will split the string into an array that looks like this:
array[0] = "GHS_NTDOMAIN"
array[1] = "AJSTEPANIK"
We'll be taking the username portion of the array, and storing it in a variable, like so:
$userName = (Get-WmiObject win32_computersystem -Computer $tag1).UserName.Split("\")[1]