Can't query data on pgAdmin 4 but it works using psql and Python

北城以北 提交于 2020-02-07 02:29:45


I have created a postgresql database on rds and I can connect and query it using psql on terminal or sqlalchemy on Python. When using pgAdmin4 I can't query or visualize the data but can create/alter tables, import data, ...

I have also tried connecting it to Metabase and DBeaver but the connection times out.

Any ideas why this is happening?

I have also connected the database using pgAdmin3 and was able to visualize the data and query it, but since I am using postgresql 11.4 it is not fully supported by pgAdmin3.

When I open the query tool on pgAdmin 4 I get this message:

could not send data to server. Socket is not connected could not send startup packet: Socket is not connected.


Helped me: changing 'localhost' in connection settings to ''

