why am I getting segmentation fault on the code below?

六眼飞鱼酱① 提交于 2020-02-06 11:24:31


I have a txt file where I just want to get lines bigger than 12 characters. Than these lines are inserted in a variable called graph of type graph_node.

txt file:

2,"RULE 4 (Trojan horse installation)","AND",0
4,"RULE 16 (NFS semantics)","AND",0
6,"RULE 10 (execCode implies file access)","AND",0

graph node type:

#ifndef Graph_Structure
#define Graph_Structure

struct Graph_Node{

    char id[50];
    char node_name[50];

    struct Graph_Node* next;
    struct Graph_Node* edges;


typedef struct Graph_Node graph_node;


this is the method to insert data into graph variable:

void insert_node(graph_node** node, graph_node* data){


    graph_node* temp = (graph_node*)malloc(sizeof(graph_node));

    for(int i = 0; i < strlen(data->id); i++)
        temp->id[i] = data->id[i];

    for(int i = 0; i < strlen(data->node_name) - 1; i++)
        temp->node_name[i] = data->node_name[i];

    temp -> next = *node;
    *node = temp;


this is the method to get the lines in the txt file bigger than 12 characters:

void generate_nodes(graph_node** graph, char* file_name){

    graph_node* data = (graph_node*)malloc(sizeof(graph_node));

    FILE* f_Data_Pointer = fopen(file_name, "r");
    FILE* f_Aux_Pointer = fopen(file_name, "r");

    char c = 0; char line[256];

        int counter = 0; 
        int q = 0; //quotation marks

        bool jump_line = false;


        c = 0; memset(line, 0, sizeof(line));

        while(c != '\n' && !feof(f_Aux_Pointer)){ // check line

            c = fgetc(f_Aux_Pointer); 
            line[counter] = c;


        if(strlen(line) > 12){ //lines with no edges  

         /*line[counter-3] != '-' && line[counter-2] != '1'*/

         int size = strlen(line); printf("\nline size: %d\n", size);

            counter = 0; c = 0;

            while(c != ','){ //id

                c = fgetc(f_Data_Pointer);

                if(c != ','){

                    data->id[counter] = c;          

                printf("%c", c);


            counter = 0; c = 0;

            while(1){ //node_name

                c = fgetc(f_Data_Pointer);

                if(c != '"'){

                data->node_name[counter] = c;




                if(q > 1 && c == ',')

                printf("%c", c);


            counter = 0; c = 0; 

            while(c != '\n'){ 

                c = fgetc(f_Data_Pointer);
                printf("%c", c);


            insert_node(graph, data);
            memset(data->id, 0, sizeof(data->id));
            memset(data->node_name, 0, sizeof(data->node_name));


        else{ //lines with edges

            while(c != '\n' && !feof(f_Data_Pointer)){ 

                c = fgetc(f_Data_Pointer);






I am getting the errors inside the insert method on the commands "for" in "strlen" it says that data->id and data->node_name are not initialized but I don't understand why. I used malloc on data:

graph_node* data = (graph_node*)malloc(sizeof(graph_node));


Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) ==3612== at 0x4C30B18: strcpy (vg_replace_strmem.c:510) ==3612== by 0x4008B2: insert_node (mulval.c:44) ==3612== by 0x400C03: generate_nodes (mulval.c:159) ==3612== by 0x400CE8: main (mulval.c:187)


The biggest problem in your code is that you are constantly ignoring the '\0'-terminating byte and pass to functions like strlen which expects a valid string (one that is 0-terminated).

For example in insert_node:

for(int i = 0; i < strlen(data->id); i++)
        temp->id[i] = data->id[i];

Here you are copying all characters expect the '\0'-terminating byte, temp->id will store a sequence of characters but it is not a string. strlen(data->id) will have an undefined behaviour because data->id is most likely not 0-terminated if you initialized it without 0-terminating the string.

Here you should use strcpy if you know that the source strings is smaller than 49 characters long, or strncpy to be completely sure:

strncpy(temp->id, data->id, sizeof temp->id);
temp->id[sizeof(temp->id) - 1] = 0;

Same thing with node_name. Also you are not checking if malloc returned NULL.

Also the foef lines are wrong, see Why while(!foef(...)) is always wrong.

You should rewrite this

while(c != '\n' && !feof(f_Aux_Pointer)){ // check line
    c = fgetc(f_Aux_Pointer); 
    line[counter] = c;

like this:

int c; // <-- not char c

while((c = fgetc(f_Aux_Pointer)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
    line[counter++] = c;

line[counter] = 0;  // terminating the string!

fgetc returns an int, not a char, it should be int, otherwise the comparison with EOF will go wrong. And here you ignored to set the 0-terminating byte, the result was a sequence of characters, but not a string. The next line if(strlen(line) ... overflow because of this, as strlen will keep looking for the 0-terminating byte beyond the limits. For me is not clear why you even check for EOF, as you would keep reading when the outer while loop resumes. If f_Aux_Pointer got to the end, shouldn't the function just return? I'm not really sure what you are doing there. Also there is no strategy for when the newline is not in the first 49 read characters. I think you should rethink your strategy here.

It also would have been easier to do:

if(fgets(line, sizeof line, f_Aux_Pointer) == NULL)
    // error handling
    return; // perhaps this?

line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0; // removing the newline

if(strlen(line) > 12)


while(c != ','){ //id

    c = fgetc(f_Data_Pointer);

    if(c != ','){

        data->id[counter] = c;          

    printf("%c", c);


you have same error as above, you never set the \0-terminating byte. At the end of the while you should have data->id[counter] = 0;. The same thing in the next while loop.

In generate_nodes you don't need to allocate memory for the temporal graph_node object as insert_node will create a copy anyway. You can do:

graph_node data;

data.id[counter] = c;
data.node_name[counter] = c;

insert_node(graph, &data);
data.id[0] = 0;
data.node_name[0] = 0;

and you will have one malloc less to worry about.


Because your IDs are always numerical, I'd change the struct to this:

struct Graph_Node{
    int id;
    char node_name[50];

    struct Graph_Node* next;
    struct Graph_Node* edges;

which would make life easier. If your conditions are true that only the lines you need are longer than 12 characters and that the lines you are interested are always of the same format (no spaces between the commas, second column is always quotes) as the ones posted in your answer, then you can parse it like this:

int generate_nodes(graph_node **graph, const char *file_name)
    if(file_name == NULL || graph == NULL)
        return 0; // return error

    // no need to allocate memory for it
    // if the insert_node is going to make a
    // copy anyway
    struct Graph_Node data = { .next = NULL, .edges = NULL };

    FILE *fp = fopen(file_name, "r");
    if(fp == NULL)
        fprintf(stderr, "Error opening file %s: %s\n", file_name,
        return 0;

    // no line will be longer than 1024
    // based on your conditions
    char line[1024];

    size_t linenmr = 0;

    while(fgets(line, sizeof line, fp))
        // getting rid of the newline
        line[strcspn(line, "\n")] = 0;

        if(strlen(line) <= 12)
            continue; // resume reading, skipt the line

        char *sep;
        long int id = strtol(line, &sep, 0);

        // assuming that there is not white spaces
        // before and after the commas
        if(*sep != ',')
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning, line %lu is malformatted, '<id>,' exepcted\n", linenmr);

        data.id = id;

        // format is: "....",

        if(sep[1] != '"')
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning, line %lu is malformatted, \"<string>\", exepcted\n", linenmr);

        // looking for ",
        char *endname = strstr(sep + 2, "\","); 

        if(endname == NULL)
            fprintf(stderr, "Warning, line %lu is malformatted, \"<string>\", exepcted\n", linenmr);

        // ending string at ",
        // easier to do strcnpy
        *endname = 0;

        strncpy(data.node_name, sep + 2, sizeof data.node_name);
        data.node_name[sizeof(data.node_name) - 1] = 0;

        insert_node(graph, &data);

    return 1;

Now the interesting bits are these:

    char *sep;
    long int id = strtol(line, &sep, 0);

    // assuming that there is not white spaces
    // before and after the commas
    if(*sep != ',')
        fprintf(stderr, "Warning, line %lu is malformatted, '<id>,' exepcted\n", linenmr);

strtol is a function that converts a number in a string to an actual integer. This function is better than atoi, because it allows you to convert numbers in different bases, from binary to hexadecimal. The second advantage is that it tells you where it stopped reading. This is great for error detection, and I use this behviour to detect if the line has the correct format. If the line has the correct format, a comma , must appear next to the number, I check for this and if it's not true, I print an error message and skip the line and continue reading the file.

The next if checks if the next character is a quote ", because based on your file, the second argument is enclosed in quotes. Sadly the separtor of the arguments is a comma which is also used as a normal character in the string. This makes things a little bit more complex (you cannot use strtok here). Once again, I assume that the whole argument ends in ",. Note that this does not take into consideration escaped quotes. A line like this:


would be parsed incorrectly. When ", is found, I set the quote to '\0' so that it is more easier to use strncpy, otherwise I would have to calculate the length of the string, check that it's length doesn't surpass the destination size, etc. If you need to keep parsing, endname + 1 should point to the next comma, otherwise the format is wrong.

    strncpy(data.node_name, sep + 2, sizeof data.node_name);
    data.node_name[sizeof(data.node_name) - 1] = 0;

Here I copy the string. The source is sep + 2, because sep points to the first comma, so you have to skip it. The next character is the quote, so you have to skip it as well, hence sep + 2. Because the legth of the name is unknown, it's better to use strncpy, this will ensure that you don't write more bytes than you need.

The last step is to insert the node into the graph. Note that I didn't allocate memory, because I know that insert_node is a going to make a new copy anyway. Because the data is only used temporarily, you don't need to allocate memory, just pass a pointer to data (by passing &data) to insert_node.

I've tested this function with a dummy graph and a dummy insert_node that only prints the node:

void insert_node(graph_node** node, graph_node* data)
    printf("ID: %d, node_name: %s\n", data->id, data->node_name);

and this is the output:

ID: 1, node_name: execCode(workStation,root)
ID: 2, node_name: RULE 4 (Trojan horse installation)
ID: 3, node_name: accessFile(workStation,write,'/usr/local/share')
ID: 4, node_name: RULE 16 (NFS semantics)
ID: 5, node_name: accessFile(fileServer,write,'/export')
ID: 6, node_name: RULE 10 (execCode implies file access)
ID: 7, node_name: canAccessFile(fileServer,root,write,'/export')

Now if you use this code and you keep getting valgrind errors, then that means that you still have errors in other parts of your code that you haven't shown us.

