Pattern matching on slices

大城市里の小女人 提交于 2020-02-03 13:24:48


I did something like this, which works:

let s = " \"".as_bytes();
let (space, quote) = (s[0], s[1]);

I wanted to do something like this

&[space, quote] = " \"".as_bytes();

But it gives me the error

slice pattern syntax is experimental (see issue #23121)

Is it possible to do something similar?


As the error tells you, slice pattern syntax is experimental. This means either the semantics are not clear or the syntax might change in the future. As a result, you need a nightly version of the compiler and to explicitly request that feature:


fn main() {
    match " \"".as_bytes() {
        &[space, quote] => println!("space: {:?}, quote: {:?}", space, quote),
        _ => println!("the slice lenght is not 2!"),

Also note that you can't just write &[space, quote] = whatever anyway because there is a possibility that whatever is not the right length. To make the pattern matching exhaustive, you need a _ case or a case with ... What you tried would give another error:

error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `&[]`, `&[_]` and `&[_, _, _, ..]` not covered
 --> src/
4 |     let &[space, quote] = " \"".as_bytes();
  |         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ patterns `&[]`, `&[_]` and `&[_, _, _, ..]` not covered
  = note: `let` bindings require an "irrefutable pattern", like a `struct` or an `enum` with only one variant
  = note: for more information, visit
help: you might want to use `if let` to ignore the variant that isn't matched
4 |     if let &[space, quote] = " \"".as_bytes() { /* */ }

As of Rust 1.26 you can pattern match on an array instead of a slice. If you convert the slice to an array, you can then match on it:

use std::convert::TryInto;

fn main() {
    let bytes = " \"".as_bytes();

    let bytes: &[_; 2] = bytes.try_into().expect("Must have exactly two bytes");
    let &[space, quote] = bytes;

    println!("space: {:?}, quote: {:?}", space, quote);

