First of all, I'm new in dcm4che and without a good Documentation is difficult to begin, therefore excuse my ignorance.
I've to develop a Query/Retrieve SCP and I need to know the query parameters, in the doCFind function, entered by the SCU. Example: SCU does: dcmqr MYQR@localhost:10001 -q PatientName=Manuel
How can I catch the query parameters (PatientName and Manuel) in the doCFind function?
protected synchronized DimseRSP doCFind(
Association as, int pcid, DicomObject cmd,
DicomObject keys, DicomObject rsp)
You can do it actually like this:
protected DimseRSP doCFind(Association association, int i, DicomObject rq, DicomObject data, DicomObject rsp)
throws DicomServiceException {
String PatientsID[] = data.getStrings(Tag.PatientID);
String PatientsName[] = data.getStrings(Tag.PatientName);
String PatientBirthDate = data.getString(Tag.PatientBirthDate);
String StudyDate = data.getString(Tag.StudyDate);
String StudyTime = data.getString(Tag.StudyTime);
String ModalitiesInStudy[] = data.getStrings(Tag.ModalitiesInStudy);
..... etc