Pouchdb document id complex key

倾然丶 夕夏残阳落幕 提交于 2020-02-01 08:40:53


I know views can be built using complex keys (an array basically).

But, do normal documents also support that? I want to avoid views as performance on phones can be very slow with many many docs. So I'm using the "Use and abuse your keys" approach.

So that is why I would need complex keys so I can use startkey and endkey on those.


Yep, it's totally possible. Read this blog post, skip to "use and abuse your doc ids."

Basically what you do is use the PouchDB Collate plugin to serialize your complex key into a string, and then use that for the _id. Then lookups work exactly the same as with the query() API, using startkey, endkey, keys, whatever you like.

