Add a subdomain to all urls in Cakephp

穿精又带淫゛_ 提交于 2020-01-31 19:42:33


I want all Cakephp urls to use a subdomain if it is present in the users session... so if there is an entry 'subdomain:user' in the session of the user all pages will have 'user' as a prefix: Eg,

Is there an easy way to do this?




There are custom route classes you could use. Create a file in APP/Lib/Route called UserSubdomainRoute.php and put this in it.

App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
class UserSubdomainRoute extends CakeRoute {

 * @var CakeRequest
    private $Request;

 * Length of domain's TLD
 * @var int
    public static $_tldLength = 1;

    public function __construct($template, $defaults = array(), $options = array()) {
        parent::__construct($template, $defaults, $options);

        $this->Request = new CakeRequest();
        $this->options = array_merge(array('protocol' => 'http'), $options);

 * Sets tld length
 * @param $length
 * @return mixed void|int
    public static function tldLength($length = null) {
        if (is_null($length)) {
            return self::$_tldLength;

        self::$_tldLength = $length;

 * Writes out full url with protocol and subdomain
 * @param $params
 * @return string
    protected function _writeUrl($params) {
        $protocol = $this->options['protocol'];
        $subdomain = AuthComponent::user('subdomain');
        if (empty($subdomain)) {
            $subdomain = 'www';
        $domain = $this->_getDomain();
        $url = parent::_writeUrl($params);

        return "{$protocol}://{$subdomain}.{$domain}{$url}";

 * Get domain name
 * @return string
    protected function _getDomain() {
        return $this->Request->domain(self::$_tldLength);


One improvement to the class would probably be to make the $Request static.

Unfortunately in Cake 2.0 there is no way to set a defaultRotueClass, however, I added that feature in 2.1+ and I don't want to tell you to upgrade so you are going to have to manually specify it for all your routes in the third param like so:

Router::connect(..., ..., array('routeClass' => 'UserSubdomainRoute');

Be sure to add at the top of routes.php

App::uses('UserSubdomainRoute', 'Lib/Route');

If you do upgrade to 2.1+ you can just add this at the top of your routes.php


Then any routs specified after will use that route class.

The main part of the route class is the _writeUrl method. It checks to see if there is a subdomain key set in the session otherwise uses www and builds the full url to return.

Heads Up: Haven't tested the class, still at school just wanted to give you a jump start. It's just a modifed version of my SubdomainRoute which works a bit differently (it used to only match routes to when a certain subdomain is set, for ex in my app matches clients subdomain to my ClientsAdminPanel plugin. You can grab that here: So you can see how that's done as well if you need a combination of UserSubdomainRoute and my SubdomainRoute (in the link).

Hope this helps for now. Let me know if there are any problems.

Edit: Here's how to force a redirection - something tells me there's a better way. I'll update if I can think of it.

public function beforeFilter() {
     $subdomains = $this->request->subdomains();
     $subdomain = $this->Auth->user('subdomain');
     if (!empty($subdomain) && !in_array($subdomain, $subdomains)) {
        $this->redirect('http://' . $subdomain . '' . $this->request->here);


well if you wish to do it for all your links probably you use the same way to show all your url on your site, do you use something like $this->html->link('/blah/asd/','blah'); ?


IN Cake/Routing/Route

class SubdomainRoute extends CakeRoute {
public function match($params) {
    $subdomain = isset($params['subdomain']) ? $params['subdomain'] : null;
    $path = parent::match($params);
    if ($subdomain) {
        $path = 'http://' . $subdomain . '.localhost' . $path;
    return $path;

When creating links you could do the following to make links pointing at other subdomains.

echo $this->Html->link(
    'Other domain',
     array('subdomain' => 'test', 'controller' => 'posts', 'action' => 'add')

