I'm trying to populate a JTable with POJOS that I've extracted using Gson(). Using the debugger, or by printing the values to the console using toString(), I can see that the mapping of the objects was successful. My problem lies with populating my custom Jtable with the objects.
Problem: My GUI contains a button that takes a search field, and sends it to an API which returns a response in JSON, which I map correctly but I do not know how to get the data into the table.
What I've tried: The addFilings() and insertFilings() methods return: The method addFilings(Filing) in the type FilingsTableModel is not applicable for the arguments (ExtractorClass)
Here is the Filing Class with getters and setters and toString() method:
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class Filing {
private static String id;
private FilingDate filingDate;
private AcceptedDate acceptedDate;
private PeriodEndDate periodEndDate;
private String reportType;
private String secUniqueId;
private String filingUrl;
private String reportUrl;
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) {
Filing.id = id;
public FilingDate getFilingDate() {
return filingDate;
public void setFilingDate(FilingDate filingDate) {
this.filingDate = filingDate;
public AcceptedDate getAcceptedDate() {
return acceptedDate;
public void setAcceptedDate(AcceptedDate acceptedDate) {
this.acceptedDate = acceptedDate;
public PeriodEndDate getPeriodEndDate() {
return periodEndDate;
public void setPeriodEndDate(PeriodEndDate periodEndDate) {
this.periodEndDate = periodEndDate;
public String getReportType() {
return reportType;
public void setReportType(String reportType) {
this.reportType = reportType;
public String getSecUniqueId() {
return secUniqueId;
public void setSecUniqueId(String secUniqueId) {
this.secUniqueId = secUniqueId;
public String getFilingUrl() {
return filingUrl;
public void setFilingUrl(String filingUrl) {
this.filingUrl = filingUrl;
public String getReportUrl() {
return reportUrl;
public void setReportUrl(String reportUrl) {
this.reportUrl = reportUrl;
public String toString() {
return "[id: " + id + ", Filing Date: " + filingDate.year + "/" + filingDate.month + "/" + filingDate.day
+ ", report_type: " + reportType + ", Report url: " + reportUrl + "]";
Here is the Extractor class to map the objects:
import java.util.List;
import com.google.gson.annotations.Expose;
import com.google.gson.annotations.SerializedName;
public class ExtractorClass {
private List<Filing> filings = null;
private Company company;
private String nextPage;
public List<Filing> getFilings() {
return filings;
public void setFilings(List<Filing> filings) {
this.filings = filings;
public Company getCompany() {
return company;
public void setCompany(Company company) {
this.company = company;
public String getNextPage() {
return nextPage;
public void setNextPage(String nextPage) {
this.nextPage = nextPage;
Here is the JButton in the main application window:
JButton btnNewButton = new JButton("Search");
btnNewButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ApiKeyAuth auth = (ApiKeyAuth) defaultClient.getAuthentication("ApiKeyAuth");
// String identifier = "AAPL"; // String | A Company identifier (Ticker,
// CIK, LEI, Intrinio ID)
String reportType = null; // String | Filter by report type [see -
// /documentation/sec_filing_report_types]. Separate values with commas to
// return multiple report types.
LocalDate startDate = null; // LocalDate | Filed on or after the given date
LocalDate endDate = null; // LocalDate | Filed before or after the given date
Integer pageSize = 50; // Integer | The number of results to return
String nextPage = null; // String | Gets the next page of data from a previous API call
String userInput = null;
CompanyApi companyApi = new CompanyApi();
userInput = textField.getText().trim().toUpperCase();
String identifier = userInput;
try {
ApiResponseCompanyFilings result = companyApi.getCompanyFilings(identifier, reportType, startDate,
endDate, pageSize, nextPage);
String convertedResult = new Gson().toJson(result);
ExtractorClass extractedObjects = new Gson().fromJson(convertedResult, ExtractorClass.class);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling CompanyApi#getCompanyFilings");
And finally here is the custom table:
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import com.g4ther.SECextractor.Date;
import com.g4ther.SECextractor.Filing;
import com.g4ther.SECextractor.FilingDate;
public class FilingsTableModel extends AbstractTableModel
private String[] columnNames =
"Filing Date",
"Report Type",
"Report URL"
private List<Filing> filings;
public FilingsTableModel()
filings = new ArrayList<Filing>();
public FilingsTableModel(List<Filing> filings)
this.filings = filings;
public int getColumnCount()
return columnNames.length;
public String getColumnName(int column)
return columnNames[column];
public int getRowCount()
return filings.size();
public Class getColumnClass(int column)
switch (column)
case 2: return Date.class;
default: return String.class;
public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int column)
switch (column)
case 2: return true; // only the birth date is editable
default: return false;
public Object getValueAt(int row, int column)
Filing filing = getFiling(row);
switch (column)
case 0: return filing.getId();
case 1: return filing.getFilingDate();
case 2: return filing.getReportType();
case 3: return filing.getReportUrl();
default: return null;
public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int column)
Filing filing = getFiling(row);
switch (column)
case 0: ((Filing) filing).setId((String)value); break;
case 1: ((Filing) filing).setFilingDate((FilingDate)value); break;
case 2: ((Filing) filing).setReportType((String)value); break;
case 3: ((Filing) filing).setReportUrl((String)value); break;
fireTableCellUpdated(row, column);
public Filing getFiling(int row)
return filings.get( row );
public void addFilings(Filing filing)
insertFilings(getRowCount(), filing);
public void insertFilings(int row, Filing filing)
filings.add(row, filing);
fireTableRowsInserted(row, row);
Original API response:
"filings": [
"id": "fil_95GBZB",
"filing_date": {
"year": 2019,
"month": 10,
"day": 30
"accepted_date": {
"dateTime": {
"date": {
"year": 2019,
"month": 10,
"day": 30
"time": {
"hour": 16,
"minute": 30,
"second": 40,
"nano": 0
"offset": {
"totalSeconds": 0
"period_end_date": {
"year": 2019,
"month": 10,
"day": 30
"report_type": "8-K",
"sec_unique_id": "0000320193-19-000117",
"filing_url": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000032019319000117/0000320193-19-000117-index.htm",
"report_url": "https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc\u003d/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000032019319000117/a8-kq420199282019.htm",
"instance_url": "https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000032019319000117/aapl-20191030.xsd"
"company": {
"id": "com_NX6GzO",
"ticker": "AAPL",
"name": "Apple Inc",
"lei": "HWUPKR0MPOU8FGXBT394",
"cik": "0000320193"
"next_page": "MjAxOS0xMC0zMHw1NzkxNjc1"
After mapping it and printing the extractedObjects to the console:
[[id: null, Filing Date: 2019/10/30, report_type: 8-K, Report url: https://www.sec.gov/ix?doc=/Archives/edgar/data/320193/000032019319000117/a8-kq420199282019.htm]]
Really stuck here, can anyone help me please?
The method addFilings(Filing) in the type FilingsTableModel is not applicable for the arguments (ExtractorClass)
First of all the method name should be addFiling(...)
since the parameter is a single Filing
Your extractor class has the following method:
public List<Filing> getFilings()
return filings;
Which returns a List
of Filing
So you need to iterate through the List and invoke the addFiling(...)
method for each Filing
object contained in the List