Various ITMS errors when trying to submit archive to App Store

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-11-27 14:24:09

Update XCode to 7.1, it is posted yesterday.

Use the newest XCode to submit will be OK.


As muyexi said, I delete TencentOpen SDK info.plist,then submit success.

Check if the third-party's has plist file.Apple may mixed the third-party Sdk plist with the local plist file. Delete the third-party's plist file then upload success.

I solve this by following this link, add Bundle identifier which is missing in info.plist of TencentOpen SDK.

If you are using cocoapods, make sure you do a

pod update

That will update all your pod files and solved this issue for me!

I'd like to expand an answer given by @silvon and link more keywords to this question.

Apparently, iTunes Connect backend now validates every single bundle shipped with your app. If a bundle contains Info.plist file, it must have CFBundleVersion and CFBundleShortVersionString keys.

So, if you are using any 3rd party frameworks (specifically, with Cocoapods), make sure that Info.plist in each framework bundle (if exists) contain these keys.

For all of you using CocoaPods, simply try to

pod update

In my case, it was a third party library loaded via cocoapods, but the update did the trick. BTW, none of the libraries had new versions, the update seems to repair some bad things too.

iTunes Connect is currently experiencing major issues. I can't post any citations as I'm unaware of an iTunes Connect support status page, but I spent a while on the phone with them earlier today for a similar issue.

There seems to be some Issues from Apples's Side, I am experiencing the same issues, I would suggest to wait for some time before making any major changes.

This seems to be happening a lot lately, after some time, It starts working again .

I did the same step as Silvon mention. Removed all third party lib's info.plist (pods as well) with xcode 6.4. Works for me.

Similar to the answer with top rate , but you need to check every SDKs in the project . in my case, it's cocoapod has info.plist. I deleted it and everything works. Xcode 7.1 still has this problem.
