Yii2 - RBAC rule to allow/view own data

旧时模样 提交于 2020-01-25 09:43:09


I have installed yii2mod/yii2-rbac from this url - https://github.com/yii2mod/yii2-rbac in yii2-basic.

everything is working fine except using/allowing owner data.

from this link:https://www.yiiframework.com/doc/guide/2.0/en/security-authorization I have created a folder in root rbac and file AuthorRule.php and code:

namespace app\rbac;

use yii\rbac\Rule;

//use app\models\Post;

 * Checks if authorID matches user passed via params
class AuthorRule extends Rule
     * @var string
    public $name = 'isAuthor';

     * @param string|int $user the user ID.
     * @param Item $item the role or permission that this rule is associated with
     * @param array $params parameters passed to ManagerInterface::checkAccess().
     * @return bool a value indicating whether the rule permits the role or permission it is associated with.
    public function execute($user, $item, $params)
        return isset($params['post']) ? $params['post']->createdBy == $user : false;

but when I try to add the rule in permission(either AuthorRule or isAuthor under permission I created updateOwnRecord, I am getting the error, the rule doesn't exist.

What I am missing here?


but when I try to add the rule in permission(either AuthorRule or isAuthor under permission I created updateOwnRecord, I am getting the error, the rule doesn't exist

Not sure where you are getting the error you mentioned as there is no relevant code, but looking at your details i recon you havent understood the process correctly.

  • Create a permission updatePost in the auth_item .
  • Add AuthorRule class's serialized instance to auth_rule table.
  • Create a new permission updateOwnPostand specify the rule name i.e isAuthor.
  • Add the permission updatePost as a child to UpdateOwnPost in the auth_item_child table.
    • the isAuthor will be the name of the rule that you will supply to the updateOwnPost permission's rule_name column.
  • Add the updatePost as a child of the role you want to use the rule for, like user or anyother you have created for the standard user role.

See the below code you can run it once via any temporary action for now, we will discuss it's place later in the answer below.

$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
$updatePost = $auth->getPermission('updatePost');

//change it to whichever role you want to assign it like `user` `admin` or any other role
$role = $auth->getRole('user');

// add the rule
$rule = new \app\rbac\AuthorRule;

// add the "updateOwnPost" permission and associate the rule with it.
$updateOwnPost = $auth->createPermission('updateOwnPost');
$updateOwnPost->description = 'Update own post';
$updateOwnPost->ruleName = $rule->name;

// "updateOwnPost" will be used from "updatePost"
$auth->addChild($updateOwnPost, $updatePost);

// allow "author" to update their own posts
$auth->addChild($role, $updateOwnPost);

Now if all goes well and you can add a rule by running the code above

Remember You need to check the updatePost rule in the check Yii::$app->user->can() and not updateOwnPost and pass the Post model instance along as the second parameter

Like this

if (\Yii::$app->user->can('updatePost', ['post' => $post])) {
    // update post

About The code Placement in the current application

If you want to have a separate interface where you can add create all with a form then you can follow dektrium-rbac code available already where it provides complete crud that you can use according to your own requirements.

For the reference see below

  • Add Rule Form
  • RuleController::actionCreate
  • RuleModel::create()

Note: if you have a lot of controllers and you want to associate this rule with every update action inside the controllers (Given that all the associated models have the created_by field) then you might go for the console\Controller and run such processes via console, so that every new controller/update can be associated with the rule repeating the above process inside a loop. For the console controller usage in basic-app see here

