Is there any way that Async.Parallel can be limited/ throttled by introducing a scheduler? I'm looking to execute a Seq of Async<'a> in parallel but don't want to exceed a certain hourly-limit.
I could use a shared mutable variable that each Async<'a> examines but I'd like to avoid this if possible.
Under the cover, the Async.Parallel
operation uses the standard .NET thread pool. So, you could configure the thread pool, but that's probably not a good idea (you should not be blocking threads in a thread pool).
If I wanted to implement some throttling, I would probably create an F# agent for this. Agents give you a pretty simple way to coordinate the concurrency - it is probably more code than using mutable variable (for this purpose), but it gives you a nice abstraction:
// We can ask the agent to enqueue a new work item;
// and the agent sends itself a completed notification
type ThrottlingMessage =
| Enqueue of Async<unit>
| Completed
let throttlingAgent limit = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> async {
// The agent body is not executing in parallel,
// so we can safely use mutable queue & counter
let queue = System.Collections.Generic.Queue<_>()
let running = ref 0
while true do
// Enqueue new work items or decrement the counter
// of how many tasks are running in the background
let! msg = inbox.Receive()
match msg with
| Completed -> decr running
| Enqueue w -> queue.Enqueue(w)
// If we have less than limit & there is some work to
// do, then start the work in the background!
while running.Value < limit && queue.Count > 0 do
let work = queue.Dequeue()
incr running
// When the work completes, send 'Completed'
// back to the agent to free a slot
async { do! work
inbox.Post(Completed) }
|> Async.StartChild
|> Async.Ignore })
To use this, you can create an agent with a specified limit and then call Enqueue
to add your work items:
let w = throttlingAgent 5
for i in 0 .. 20 do
async { printfn "Starting %d" i
do! Async.Sleep(1000)
printfn "Done %d" i }
|> Enqueue
|> w.Post
This is solving a bit different problem than the one you have - but it should show the direction (rather than having the Completed
notification, you probably want to have some async
in the background that sends a specified number of "tokens" every hour).