I was trying to flatten the very nested JSON, and create spark dataframe and the ultimate goal is to push the given dataframe to phoenix. I am successfully able to flatten the JSON using code.
def recurs(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
if(df.schema.fields.find(_.dataType match {
case ArrayType(StructType(_),_) | StructType(_) => true
case _ => false
}).isEmpty) df
else {
val columns = df.schema.fields.map(f => f.dataType match {
case _: ArrayType => explode(col(f.name)).as(f.name)
case s: StructType => col(s"${f.name}.*")
case _ => col(f.name)
val df = spark.read.json(json_location)
flatten_df = recurs(df)
My nested json is something like:
"Total Value": 3,
"Topic": "Example",
"values": [
"value": "#example1",
"points": [
"properties": {
"date": "12-04-19",
"value": "Model example 1"
{"value": "#example2",
"points": [
"properties": {
"date": "12-05-19",
"value": "Model example 2"
The output I am getting:
|Total Value| Topic |value | points | date | value |
| 3 | Example | example1 | [123,156] | 12-04-19 | Model example 1 |
| 3 | Example | example2 | [124,157] | 12-05-19 | Model example 2 |
So, value key is found 2 times in json so it is creating 2 column name but this is an error and not allowed in Phoenix to ingest this data.
The error message is:
ERROR 514 (42892): A duplicate column name was detected in the object definition or ALTER TABLE/VIEW statement
I am expecting this output so that phoenix could differentiate the columns.
|Total Value| Topic |values.value | values.points | values.properties.date | values.properties.value| |
| 3 | Example | example1 | [123,156] | 12-04-19 | Model example 1 |
| 3 | Example | example2 | [124,157] | 12-05-19 | Model example 2 |
In this way phoenix can ingest the data perfectly, please suggest any changes in flattening code or any help to achieve the same. Thanks
You need slight changes to the recurs
- Dealing with
ArrayType(st: StructType, _)
instead ofArrayType
. - Avoid using *, and name every field in the second match (
). - Use
at the right places to rename the fields, keeping precedence naming.
Here's some code:
def recurs(df: DataFrame): DataFrame = {
if(!df.schema.fields.exists(_.dataType match {
case ArrayType(StructType(_),_) | StructType(_) => true
case _ => false
})) df
else {
val columns = df.schema.fields.flatMap(f => f.dataType match {
case ArrayType(st: StructType, _) => Seq(explode(col(f.name)).as(f.name))
case s: StructType =>
s.fieldNames.map{sf => col(s"`${f.name}`.$sf").as(s"${f.name}.$sf")}
case _ => Seq(col(s"`${f.name}`"))
val newDF = recurs(df).cache
And the new output:
|Topic |Total Value|values.points|values.properties.date|values.properties.value|values.value|
|Example|3 |[[123, 156]] |12-04-19 |Model example 1 |#example1 |
|Example|3 |[[124, 157]] |12-05-19 |Model example 2 |#example2 |
|-- Topic: string (nullable = true)
|-- Total Value: long (nullable = true)
|-- values.points: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: array (containsNull = true)
| | |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
|-- values.properties.date: string (nullable = true)
|-- values.properties.value: string (nullable = true)
|-- values.value: string (nullable = true)