How to add facebook comment plugin in Gatsby?

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2020-01-23 17:47:04


I'm creating a blog site using Gatsby. I am very very new to Gatsby/React. I need some documentation about the facebook comment plugin for Gatsby.

Thanks in advance.


If you mean retrieving Facebook comments using Facebook's Graph API, which provides comments, you may be able to achieve that with gatsby-source-facebook, which you can install as follows into your Gatsby site:

npm install --save gatsby-source-facebook

Then, configure the source plugin by adding this to gatsby-config.js:

  plugins: [
      resolve: `gatsby-source-facebook`,
      options: {
        places: [`${facebookPageID}`], // Can be either a numeric ID or the URL ID
        params: {
          fields: 'hours, posts { message, created_time }', // See Facebooks API to see what you can query for
        key: process.env.FACEBOOK_GRAPH_TOKEN, // You will need to create a Facebook application and go through review in order to get an API token.

When you execute gatsby develop and navigate to the provisioned local environment, such as http://localhost:8000, you should be able to explore your GraphQL schema using GraphiQL at http://localhost:8000/___graphql.

