Android library proguard package obfuscation produces a.a.a.a.a collision

此生再无相见时 提交于 2020-01-23 16:42:25


I'm writing 2 Android libraries. When I obfuscate both, the obfuscated code in both of them contains a class named a.a.a.a.a which causes the following error when trying to use both libraries in the same application:

Duplicate class a.a.a.a.a found in modules classes.jar (lib1) and classes.jar (lib2)

How can I prevent Proguard from obfuscating the first 3 packages to end up with:

my.domain.lib1.a.a and my.domain.lib2.a.a?

Edit: The obfuscation is happening as part of building the libraries, not while building the application.


This means at runtime your dependencies of both libraries results as the same name given by proguard.
To avoid this issue, try using like below:

android {

    configurations {
        all*.exclude module: 'support-v4' 
        // This removes all other versions of `support-v4` 
        // if it gets duplicated from all the artifacts.


I have faced this with v4... It can be something from others with your code.. but majorly this occurs with v4.

For Further knowledge:


This can be resolved by putting -repackageclasses my.domain.lib#.ofs in the proguard-rules file of each library while replaceing # with 1 and 2 respectivly. This will move all the obfuscated classes into the my.domain.lib#.ofs package while all the non-obfuscated classes will remain in their original packages and you're guaranteed to have no collisions.

As the Proguard documentation states:

-repackageclasses [package_name]

Specifies to repackage all class files that are renamed, by moving them into the single given package.

Another solution is to use -keeppackagenames. Unfortunately, I couldn't find a way to make it keep only the first 3 packages.

See the Proguard documentation:

-keeppackagenames [package_filter]

Specifies not to obfuscate the given package names.

