I want to find certificate from my store but using following code i could not able to get certificate. It always return null.
What's wrong with my code?
I have copied my certificate thumbprint by exploring store object and compare it with my thumbprint string and it return false! I think issue of interpreting string in VS2010 IDE or copy paste problem you can see that below in fig. because of this it should ignore the certificate from the list. Have anyone faced this type of issue before?
Well the certificate collection is empty since there's no certificate with that thumbprint. Check:
that the certificate is present in your current user
that the certificate is stored in the personal folder
using mmc to verify the above things
X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.Root, StoreLocation.CurrentUser);
Does the following return anything useful:
X509Certificate2Collection col = store.Certificates;
foreach (var currCert in col)
var currThumbprint = currCert.Thumbprint;
if (thumbprint.ToUpperInvariant() == currThumbprint)
x509Certificate2= currCert;
There might be invisible/zero length chars in your thumbprint especially at the beginning or at the end. Measure the length of thumbprint you supplied ("35ED.." ). It should be greater than what appears.