AVSpeechSynthesizer seems to support english with multi delegates (britsh, us...)
Does it support other languages? french, Portuguese ... is there a list of these languages somewhere ?
Yes, it does. Use speechVoices
of AVSpeechSynthesisVoice to get a list of available voices with supported languages.
Currently (as of 10 September 2018, on iOS 10.3.1 and 11.4.1) you'll find these:
- ar-SA
- cs-CZ
- da-DK
- de-DE
- el-GR
- en-AU
- en-GB
- en-IE
- en-US
- en-ZA
- es-ES
- es-MX
- fi-FI
- fr-CA
- fr-FR
- he-IL
- hi-IN
- hu-HU
- id-ID
- it-IT
- ja-JP
- ko-KR
- nl-BE
- nl-NL
- no-NO
- pl-PL
- pt-BR
- pt-PT
- ro-RO
- ru-RU
- sk-SK
- sv-SE
- th-TH
- tr-TR
- zh-CN
- zh-HK
- zh-TW