Problems with LD_PRELOAD and calloc() interposition for certain executables

ⅰ亾dé卋堺 提交于 2020-01-22 12:51:06


Relating to a previous question of mine

I've successfully interposed malloc, but calloc seems to be more problematic.

That is with certain hosts, calloc gets stuck in an infinite loop with a possible internal calloc call inside dlsym. However, a basic test host does not exhibit this behaviour, but my system's "ls" command does.

Here's my code:

// build with: g++ -O2 -Wall -fPIC -ldl -o -shared
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>

bool gNanoUp = false;// global

// Function types
typedef void* (*MallocFn)(size_t size);
typedef void* (*CallocFn)(size_t elements, size_t size);

struct MemoryFunctions {
    MallocFn   mMalloc;
    CallocFn   mCalloc;

MemoryFunctions orgMemFuncs;

// Save original methods.
void __attribute__((constructor)) __nano_init(void) {
    fprintf(stderr, "NANO: init()\n");

    // Get address of original functions
    orgMemFuncs.mMalloc = (MallocFn)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "malloc");
    orgMemFuncs.mCalloc = (CallocFn)dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, "calloc");

    fprintf(stderr, "NANO: malloc() found @%p\n", orgMemFuncs.mMalloc);
    fprintf(stderr, "NANO: calloc() found @%p\n", orgMemFuncs.mCalloc);

    gNanoUp = true;

// replacement functions
extern "C" {
    void *malloc(size_t size) {
        if (!gNanoUp) __nano_init();
        return orgMemFuncs.mMalloc(size);

    void* calloc(size_t elements, size_t size) {
        if (!gNanoUp) __nano_init();
        return orgMemFuncs.mCalloc(elements, size);

Now, When I do the following, I get an infinite loop followed by a seg fault, eg:

% setenv LD_PRELOAD "./"
% ls
NANO: init()
NANO: init()
NANO: init()
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

However if I comment out the calloc interposer, it almost seems to work:

% setenv LD_PRELOAD "./"
% ls
NANO: init()
NANO: malloc() found @0x3b36274dc0
NANO: calloc() found @0x3b362749e0
NANO: init()
NANO: malloc() found @0x3b36274dc0
NANO: calloc() found @0x3b362749e0
<directory contents>

So somethings up with "ls" that means init() gets called twice.

EDIT Note that the following host program works correctly - init() is only called once, and calloc is successfully interposed, as you can see from the output.

// build with: g++ -o test
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    void* p = malloc(123);
    printf("HOST p=%p\n", p);

    char* c = new char;
    printf("HOST c=%p\n", c);
    delete c;

    void* ca = calloc(10,10);
    printf("HOST ca=%p\n", ca);

% setenv LD_PRELOAD "./"
% ./test 
NANO: init()
NANO: malloc() found @0x3b36274dc0
NANO: calloc() found @0x3b362749e0
HOST p=0x601010
HOST c=0x601010
HOST ca=0x601030


With regard to __nano_init() being called twice: You've declared the function as a constructor, so it's called when the library is loaded, and it's called a second time explicitly when your malloc() and calloc() implementations are first called. Pick one.

With regard to the calloc() interposer crashing your application: Some of the functions you're using, including dlsym() and fprintf(), may themselves be attempting to allocate memory, calling your interposer functions. Consider the consequences, and act accordingly.


Using dlsym based hooking can result in crashes, as dlsym calls back into the memory allocator. Instead use malloc hooks, as I suggested in your prior question; these can be installed without actually invoking dlsym at all.


I know I am a bit late (6 years). But I wanted to override calloc() today and faced a problem because dlsym() internally uses calloc(). I solved it using a simple technique and thought of sharing it here:

static unsigned char buffer[8192];

void *calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
    if (calloc_ptr == NULL) // obtained from dlsym
            return buffer;

    init(); // uses dlsym() to find address of the real calloc()

    return calloc_ptr(len);

void free(void *in)
    if (in == buffer)


buffer satisfies the need of dlsym() till the real calloc() has been located and my calloc_ptr function pointer initialized.


You can get away with a preliminary poor calloc that simply returns NULL. This actually works on Linux, YMMV.

static void* poor_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size)
    // So dlsym uses calloc internally, which will lead to infinite recursion, since our calloc calls dlsym.
    // Apparently dlsym can cope with slightly wrong calloc, see for further explanation:
    return NULL; // This is a poor implementation of calloc!

