Laravel - Create automated CRUD?

馋奶兔 提交于 2020-01-22 04:07:05


Is Artisan got a tool for create the code of a CRUD automated in Laravel? I search information about it but all the options are with an external tool outside of Artisan.


create the code of a CRUD


But if you want the CRUD methods copied from a properly defined stub use

php artisan make:controller EntityController -r

where the -r flag means a resourceful controller for the model Entity with create, show, index, store, update, edit, and delete methods

The methods uses the proper parameters and apply convenient Dependency Injection and are named according to

Route::resource('Entity', 'EntityController');

However you must write your own implementation


php artisan make:model Entity -mrc

It create a model & migration file & a resource Controller name EntityController.

To create only a resource controller,

php artisan make:controller EntityController --resource

This command will generate a controller at app/Http/Controllers/EntityController.php

In here you have 7 functions

1.index(to show all data)

2.create(to get the blade file creation) store data into database) show specific data)

5.edit(to get the edit blade file )

6.update(to update that specific data into database)

7.destroy(to delete data)

Next, you may register a resourceful route to the controller:
Route::resource('entities', 'EntityController');

