Given the following relational schemas, where the primary keys are in bold:
movie(movieName, whenMade);
actor(actorName, age);
studio(studioName, location, movieName);
actsIn(actorName, movieName);
How do you find the list of actors who have played in EVERY movie produced by "Universal Studios"?
My attempt:
π actorName ∩ (σ studioName=“Universal Studios” studio) |><| actsIn, where |><| is the natural join
Are you supposed to use cartesian product and/or division? :\
Here are the two steps that you should follow:
Write an expression to find the names of movies produced by “Universal Studio” (the result is a relation with a single attribute)
Divide the relation
by the result of the relation obtained at the first step.
This should give you the expected result (i.e. a relation with the actor names that have played in every movie of the “Universal Studio”).