I'm trying to create a simple assembly code that takes an input N and returns the Nth fibonacci number (eg if you input 2, it should output 1 and if you input 3 it should output 2). My code doesn't throw any errors, but after you input a number it returns something weird.
If you input 1, it returns 2685009921. If you input 2, it returns 0.01. If you input 3, it returns 0.02. If you input 4, it'll output the text at the beginning asking for a positive integer, then type 3 (the correct answer). If you input 5, it outputs nothing, and when you press enter again, it gives a run time exception (invalid integer input syscall 5). Anything above five gives weird errors.
It's almost as if it's running a syscall with the input number as a code, which would explain why the first four numbers output things (the first four syscalls output data).
What do you think? Here's the code:
introText: .asciiz "Type a positive integer, please! \n"
input: .word 123
# ask user for input
li $v0, 4
la $a0, introText
# read input int
li $v0, 5
# store input
addi $s1, $v0, 0
# main loop
li $s2, 0 # s2 starts at 0 and will increase until it's equal to $s1, the player input
li $s3, 0 # this will hold the most recent fib number
li $s4, 1 # this will hold the second most recent fib number
addi $s2, $s2, 1 # increment s2 for loop
add $s5, $s3, $s4 # make the current result the sum of the last two fib numbers
addi, $s4, $s3, 0 # make the second most recent fib number equal to the most recent fib number
addi, $s3, $s5, 0 # make the most recent fib number equal to the current fib number
bne $s2, $s1, loop
# return the answer
li $v0, 1
addi $a0, $s5, 0
# end program
li $v0, 10
For some reason you've placed a syscall
after addi $s1, $v0, 0
. That instruction should not be there.