Dropbox Datastore to API 2 Migration Error

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-22 02:06:53


I'm trying to provide a way in my iOS app to migrate existing Datastore users to a new means of storing an SQLite database file on Dropbox via the new v2 API (SwiftyDropbox).

I'm currently trying to let them connect to Dropbox with the old Datastore API with:

let accountManager = DBAccountManager.init(appKey: "...", secret: "...")

I am then taken to the Dropbox app on my phone where I hit Allow and then return to my app and get this error:

Error Unknown: Unable to verify link request

Will I simultaneously be able to authenticate to the Datastore API and the new v2 API? If not, do you have some suggestions on how to access the user's data out of the datastore so I can put it in my own SQLite file?

