I'm using the MPAndroidChart for my bar graph and I'm struggling with removing the padding of the graph (see pic below)
My approaches regarding this problem were:
chart.setDrawLegend(false); chart.setDrawMarkerViews(false); chart.setDrawUnitsInChart(false); chart.setDrawValueAboveBar(false); chart.setDrawXLabels(false); chart.setDrawYLabels(false); chart.setDescription("");
chart.setOffsets(0, 0, 0, 0); chart.getTransformer().prepareMatrixValuePx(chart); chart.getTransformer().prepareMatrixOffset(chart); chart.getContentRect().set(0, 0, chart.getWidth(),chart.getHeight());
And nothing has worked so far. Do you know another approach for this problem?
I know that's pretty late for answer, but now Chart has the following method:
setViewPortOffsets(-40f, 0f, 0f, 0f)
(setting weird -40f value instead 0 seems unnatural, but it still works)
I am currently working on an update that will allow to set all paddings!
The currently available method for setting the offsets is buggy.
In the meantime you could try to set a negative padding or margin via .xml. Let me know if this works!