Get html source code through Mailchimp API

梦想与她 提交于 2020-01-17 14:06:16


I'm trying to use the Mailchimp API to download the html code used in a specific campaign.

I was looking at this:

which works fine, but I do not see how to the get the html source code. Is it because this is not allowed?


Now , you can access mailchimp v3 api from here. If you want to update html content of a specific campaign. Use this request pattern e.g.

  • Unschedule your campaign
  • Update campaign HTML Content through PUT Method
  • Schedule/Send your campaign

I used python script for mailchimp access in my web application, if you want python script for that ping me...


Campaign creation and editing is still not available in v3 of MailChimp's API. You probably won't be able to get the HTML content from version 3 until campaign creation is available.

