PHP mkdir(); not working

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2020-01-17 06:41:09


I've been trying the function Mkdir that will be usefull in the project i'm working on. I've tried the simplest code possible but I can't get it to create the folder I want.

I've tried to changes my folder permissions, but that doesn't change (Nor 755 or 777) and the code keeps returning a fail.

Please have a look at my code :

if(!mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads/2017', 0777, true))
chmod($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/uploads/2017', 0777);

The parent folder is "admin" and it permissions are set to 755.

Do you have any clue why this isn't working ?

EDIT : I remade it and it worked, no clue what the problem was.



mkdir('/2017', 0777, true)

creates folder 2017 is a root folder of a file system.

Always set ethier full path to your folder, e.g.:

mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/2017', 0777, true);
// or
mkdir('/var/www/mysite/2017', 0777, true);

Or use . or .. to define proper location:

// folder will be created in a same directory 
// as a script which executes this code
mkdir('./2017', 0777, true);

// folder will be created in a directory up one level
// than a script which executes this code
mkdir('../2017', 0777, true);

So, in your case it is obviously:

mkdir($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/admin/2017', 0777, true);


Example #1 mkdir() example

mkdir("/path/to/my/dir", 0700);

