I'm trying to use LibVLC to decode a video file and render it to a texture.
The code for opening and start playing works, the audio plays perfectly, but the pixel buffer is always filled with 0xCD. The videos I try to render work on VLC, and even in a C# implementation I did they work, but with this new code in C I can't manage to get it working...
I'm using the x64 version of the vlc libs and the program is compiled for x64 if this makes any difference.
Here is my code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "video.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <vlc\libvlc.h>
#include <vlc\libvlc_media.h>
#include <vlc\libvlc_media_player.h>
libvlc_instance_t* instance;
libvlc_media_t* media;
libvlc_media_player_t* player;
struct videoContext
unsigned char *pixeldata;
unsigned char currentFrame;
int width;
int height;
struct videoContext mainContext;
bool gotData = false;
int width;
int height;
static void *lock(void *data, void **p_pixels)
videoContext* context = (videoContext*)data;
*p_pixels = context->pixeldata;
return NULL;
static void unlock(void *data, void *id, void *const *p_pixels)
//If I check here mainContext.pixeldata is filled with 0xCD
static void display(void *data, void *id)
static unsigned int formatSetup(void **opaque, char *chroma, unsigned *w, unsigned *h, unsigned *pitches, unsigned *lines)
chroma = "RV24";
width = *w;
height = *h;
mainContext.pixeldata = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * 3);
mainContext.width = width;
mainContext.height = height;
return 1;
void getVideoSize(int* w, int* h, int* bpp)
*w = width;
*h = height;
*bpp = 3 * 8;
videoContext* initVideo(const char* fileName)
mainContext.pixeldata = 0;
instance = libvlc_new(0, NULL);
media = libvlc_media_new_location(instance, fileName);
player = libvlc_media_player_new_from_media(media);
libvlc_video_set_callbacks(player, lock, unlock, display, &mainContext);
libvlc_video_set_format_callbacks(player, formatSetup, NULL);
return &mainContext;
It seems that nothing is being written to the buffer as anything I set is left there.
If I remove the format setup callback and I hardcode libvlc_video_set_format with the "RV24" chroma mode and the resolution it works, so, did I understood wrongly what libvlc_video_set_format_callbacks does? According to the documentation on the format setup callback the params can be changed to enable transcoding but even if I just leave the format as is whenever I set the format setup callback it doesn't works...
Ok, so, the problem was extrmely stupid. First, the pitches and lines must be set so libvlc to know the allocated sizes. Second, can't just assign chroma with a const char, it seems as the const char has an extra "\0x00" at the end liblvc counts it and then doesn't finds the decoder.
The final callback is this:
static unsigned int formatSetup(void **opaque, char *chroma, unsigned *w, unsigned *h, unsigned *pitches, unsigned *lines)
memcpy(chroma, "RV24", sizeof("RV24") - 1);
width = *w;
height = *h;
*pitches = width * 3;
*lines = height;
mainContext.pixeldata = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * 4);
mainContext.width = width;
mainContext.height = height;
return 1;