OneNote API fails to get any notes from shared notebook for sharing user

て烟熏妆下的殇ゞ 提交于 2020-01-16 19:10:28


As the developer, I'm able to GET (using PHP via the REST API) all notes from a notebook shared with a client. As you see, a search by me returns all 25 notes within the accessed section:

{ "@odata.context":"$metadata#me/notes/sections('0-240BD74C83900C17%21128584')/pages(title,id,links,contentUrl)","@odata.count":25,"value":[ { ...

But logged in as my (duly authenticated) client (and using exactly the same code), we get 0 notes:

{ "@odata.context":"$metadata#me/notes/sections('0-240BD74C83900C17%21128584')/pages(title,id,links,contentUrl)","@odata.count":0,"value":[
] }

What needs to be done for my client to get not just the section in the shared notebook but (more importantly!) the notes in that section?


First off apologies for the shared pages not being returned by the API. I've tracked the issue down to a regional incident in our partner service. (user impact is estimated to be <1% of the total active users).

Once the incident is resolved, you will see the shared pages being returned correctly.

In the meantime, as a temporary workaround adding the below header to your API request will return the shared pages.

FavorDataRecency: true

