In SDK version 3.41 there was a bug that prevented the finish method of DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect to actually finish. I asked about this here yesterday. After I updated to version 3.42, I get a new error. I once again took the code from the Dropbox-documentation and changed it to the following to get a traceback and to be able to execute it outside of a function:
# added traceback-import
from traceback import format_exc
from dropbox import DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect
# replaced real key and secret by XXX
auth_flow = DropboxOAuth2FlowNoRedirect(APP_KEY, APP_SECRET)
authorize_url = auth_flow.start()
print "1. Go to: " + authorize_url
print "2. Click \"Allow\" (you might have to log in first)."
print "3. Copy the authorization code."
auth_code = raw_input("Enter the authorization code here: ").strip()
access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
# changed output and removed return
print format_exc()
print user_id, access_token
Running this gives me the following output after entering the authorization code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 16, in <module>
access_token, user_id = auth_flow.finish(auth_code)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dropbox/oauth.py", line 178, in finish
return self._finish(code, None)
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/dropbox/oauth.py", line 60, in _finish
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/requests/models.py", line 837, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)
HTTPError: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: https://www.dropbox.com/1/oauth2/token
Where could I have made a mistake? Or is it a problem with the SDK?