I have a test class with multiple methods written in RestAssured and TestNG. And I want to execute these methods sequentially in a loop. How can we do that?
The requirement is to fill up a train. I have an API which gives me the number of seats available on a train. Knowing that number, I want to run a loop such that it executes a few test methods like do a journey search, create a booking, make the payment and confirm the booking sequentially every time. So lets say if we have 50 seats available, I want to run the test 50 times where each loop executes each of the methods sequentially.
This is my sample code:
public class BookingEndToEnd_Test {
RequestSpecification reqSpec;
ResponseSpecification resSpec;
String authtoken = "";
String BookingNumber = "";
........few methods....
public void setup() {
public void JourneySearch_Test() throws IOException {
JSONObject jObject = PrepareJourneySearchRequestBody();
Response response =
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "JourneySearch_Test" })
public void MakeBooking_Test() throws IOException, ParseException {
JSONObject jObject = PrepareProvBookingRequestBody();
Response response =
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "MakeBooking_Test" })
public void MakePayment_Test() throws IOException, ParseException {
JSONObject jObject = PreparePaymentRequestBody();
Response response =
.pathParam("booking_number", BookingNumber)
.body("data.booking.total_price_to_be_paid", equalTo(0) )
@Test(dependsOnMethods = { "MakePayment_Test" })
public void ConfirmBooking_Test() throws IOException {
Response response =
(Response) given()
.pathParam("booking_number", BookingNumber)
I tried using invocationCount = n. But that executes the method n number of times however I want to run other test methods in sequence first and then run this test second time.
@Test(invocationCount = 3)
public void JourneySearch_Test() throws IOException {
I also tried looking at the @Factory annotation however every Factory solution that I explored explains how to create a simple data set using a data provider. My data set comes from an excel sheet.
Further, like mention before, if I just get a mere number like 50 seats available and want to run all test methods sequentially 50 times, can someone kindly suggest the best way to do it please?
Isn't that acceptable?
public void test() throws IOException, ParseException {
JSONObject jObject = PrepareProvBookingRequestBody();
JSONObject jObject = PreparePaymentRequestBody();
.pathParam("booking_number", BookingNumber)
.body("data.booking.total_price_to_be_paid", equalTo(0));
.pathParam("booking_number", BookingNumber)