How to pass credentials for jenkins to push a docker image to my own registry?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2020-01-16 06:05:54


JHipster now uses the maven-jib-plugin. Before that, my jenkins server running in a docker-container was able to build a docker image with the *.war-file and push it to my own docker-registry with a pipeline using a 'Jenkinsfile' (for gradle, but I switched to Maven now), and after job completion another job pulled the newly build docker-image into a new docker-container on my server by executing shell scripts on the remote host using ssh.

The stages for this task were:

    def dockerImage
    stage('build docker') {
        sh "cp -Rvvv src/main/docker build/"
        sh "cp -vvv build/libs/*.war build/docker/"
        dockerImage ="$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG", "build/docker")

    stage('publish docker') {
        docker.withRegistry("$REGISTRY_URL", "$REGISTRY_USER") {
            dockerImage.push "$IMAGE_TAG"

    stage('Remove Unused docker image') {
        sh "docker rmi $IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG"

Now as far as I can understand with jib making it easier and the relevant section in the Jenkinsfile produced with $ jhipster ci-cd it comes down to

    def dockerImage
    stage('publish docker') {
        sh "./mvnw -ntp jib:build -Dimage=$REGISTRY/$IMAGE_NAME:$IMAGE_TAG$REGISTRY_USER"

Unfortunately jib seems not to be using the credentials for the docker-registry user-login of the given $REGISTRY_USER any more which are saved in the Jenkins' 'credentials'-section as before with the docker daemon running in Jenkins.

How can I tell the jib-plugin in the jenkins pipeline to use the credentials for the docker-registry-login which are stored in my jenkins account, which I thought was/is a secure solution? I don't want the credentials - especially the password - to be handled on every client nor on github.


One way to provide credentials through environment variables is to use withCredentials() in the following way, as hinted in this comment.

    def dockerImage
    stage('publish docker') {
        withCredentials([usernamePassword(credentialsId: 'myregistry-login', passwordVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_PWD', usernameVariable: 'DOCKER_REGISTRY_USER')]) {
            // assumes Jib is configured to use the environment variables
            sh "./mvnw -ntp jib:build"

