Any windows uwp "experts" here?
I've been researching on the below mentioned topic for a day now as I couldn't believe there is no way that we can distribute our UWP App.
Is it really not possible to distribute an UWP App through a different channel than the store without having to manually run+interact with the powershell script? Because we can't really do that for our customers everytime. They also do not have admin rights and are not allowed to use the normal windows store.
Just installing the certificate and then running the appxbundle does not work, we always have to run the powershell script in order for it to work... :/
UWP-apps that are not from the store need to signed with a trusted certificate. Otherwise the installation will not be successfull.
If your app is correctly signed and the certificat is trusted, you can double click the .appxbundle to install the app on more recent versions of Windows 10.
The powershell script only needs admin rights because it adds the temporary developer-certificate to your trusted certificates.
First off you need to create a certificate and sign your appx/appxbundle with that.
You have have to install the Certificate on your Clients Machine but for that you need Admin rights. So you have to give your client the certificate and they have to distribute it via Group Policies. That way you don't have to install the certificate via the powershell script.
Now you can write a script that will install the Dependencies and Appx on the Machine. For that you don't need admin rights, but side loading musst be activated. But like I said the Certificate has to. be installed otherwise you can't not install the App.