Table Valued Parameters with Estimated Number of Rows 1

依然范特西╮ 提交于 2020-01-15 05:35:25


I have been searching the internet for hours trying to figure out how to improve the performance of my query using table-valued parameters (TVP).

After hours of searching, I finally determined what I believe is the root of the problem. Upon examining the Estimated Execution plan of my query, I discovered that the estimated number of rows for my query is 1 anytime I use a TVP. If I exchange the TVP for a query that selects the data I am interested in, then the estimated number of rows is much more accurate at around 7400. This significantly increases the performance.

However, in the real scenario, I cannot use a query, I must use a TVP. Is there any way to have SQL Server more accurately predict the number of rows when using a TVP so that a more appropriate plan will be used?


TVPs are Table Variables which don't maintain statistics and hence report only have 1 row. There are two ways to improve statistics on TVPs:

  1. If you have no need to modify any of the values in the TVP or add columns to it to track operational data, then you can do a simple, statement-level OPTION (RECOMPILE) on any query that uses a table variable (TVP or locally created) and is doing more with that table variable than a simple SELECT (i.e. doing INSERT INTO RealTable (columns) SELECT (columns) FROM @TVP; does not need the statement-level recompile). Do the following test in SSMS to see this behavior in action:

    DECLARE @TableVariable TABLE (Col1 INT NOT NULL);
    INSERT INTO @TableVariable (Col1)
      SELECT so.[object_id]
      FROM   [master].[sys].[objects] so;
    -- Control-M to turn on "Include Actual Execution Plan"
    SELECT * FROM @TableVariable; -- Estimated Number of Rows = 1 (incorrect)
    SELECT * FROM @TableVariable
    OPTION (RECOMPILE); -- Estimated Number of Rows = 91 (correct)
    SELECT * FROM @TableVariable; -- Estimated Number of Rows = 1 (back to incorrect)
  2. Create a local temporary table (single #) and copy the TVP data to that. While this does duplicate the data in tempdb, the benefits are:

    • better statistics for a temp table as opposed to table variable (i.e. no need for statement-level recompiles)
    • ability to add columns
    • ability to modify values

