How to get comments of youtube Video from VideoId android in youtubeApi v3?

妖精的绣舞 提交于 2020-01-14 19:52:28


I've taken a look at Youtube Api v3 for Android and I can get most of information about Youtube Video via Video Id. However, after of searching a lot in google, it seems no way to get comments of Youtube Video with Api v3. I tried this Video.List Api a lot, but I found nothing about comments. So, I want to ask for a guide to retrieve my goal. Can any one help me, or give me any suggestion? Thanks.


I made a research on Youtube API and came across some important API changes on commenting system.

As you can see here, Youtube API v3 has a new commenting system. You should check out the IMPORTANT section at the top of the page. Also you should look at this Upcoming changes page.

But their 'New commenting system' page is not working right now. Maybe you can check out later. If you just want to retrieve comments for a specific video, you can do it with API v3. But if you want to create new comments too, you should use API v2 for now.


There's no way to get comments using the YouTube Data API v3 because comments isn't part of v3 yet.

To retrieve comments you have to use the YouTube Data API v2. To quote Google:

While the new comments aren’t currently supported in the YouTube Data API v3, you can continue to use the older version of the API (v2) with a few caveats outlined below (and the benefits covered above). 2

How to retrieve comments using v2 API More info about changes made in comment system.

