Cocoa - Fade between two NSImage's?

不问归期 提交于 2020-01-14 18:55:15


I have a menu with an NSImage showing some information, and when it gets updated I would like the new (updated) image to fade in. I know it is easy on the iPhone, but is this possible in OS X ?


It depends on how your menu is showing the image. If it's the menu item itself, this isn't possible without a lot of hackery. If you're using a custom NSView in the menu, then you can use two NSImageViews and swap between them using the view's -animator.

You'd match imageViewB's frame to imageViewA if it's not already, then replace the subview through the animator:

[[parentView animator] replaceSubview:imageViewA with:imageViewB];

... or back from b to a.

Unfortunately, NSImageView's -animator proxy won't animate -setImage: (for no discernible reason) so you need to use two views and animate the swap.


I think that one of the most valuable example is ImageTransition. It's easy to understand at least for me, coming from the iOS world.

Hope it helps, Paolo


You can try using this. It was written in Swift 4

 let transition = CATransition() //create transition
 transition.duration = 4 //set duration time in seconds
 transition.type = .fade //animation type
 transition.timingFunction = CAMediaTimingFunction(name: CAMediaTimingFunctionName.easeInEaseOut)
 self.imageView.layer?.add(transition, forKey: nil) //add animation to your imageView's layer
 self.imageView.image = NSImage(named: "test_image") //set the image

