i have a variable that is a name of a table. How can i select or update from this using variable in query , for example:
create or replace function pg_temp.testtst ()
returns varchar(255) as
r record; t_name name;
for r in SELECT tablename FROM pg_tables WHERE schemaname = 'public' limit 100 loop
t_name = r.tablename;
update t_name set id = 10 where id = 15;
end loop;
return seq_name;
language plpgsql;
it shows ERROR: relation "t_name" does not exist
Correct reply is a comment from Anton Kovalenko
You cannot use variable as table or column name in embedded SQL ever.
UPDATE dynamic_table_name SET ....
PostgreSQL uses a prepared and saved plans for embedded SQL, and references to a target objects (tables) are deep and hard encoded in plans - a some characteristics has significant impact on plans - for one table can be used index, for other not. Query planning is relatively slow, so PostgreSQL doesn't try it transparently (without few exceptions).
You should to use a dynamic SQL - a one purpose is using for similar situations. You generate a new SQL string always and plans are not saved
DO $$
DECLARE r record;
FOR r IN SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_catalog = 'public'
EXECUTE format('UPDATE %I SET id = 10 WHERE id = 15', r.table_name);
END $$;
Attention: Dynamic SQL is unsafe (there is a SQL injection risks) without parameter sanitization. I used a function "format" for it. Other way is using "quote_ident" function.
EXECUTE 'UPDATE ' || quote_ident(r.table_name) || 'SET ...