IN test class
MasterViewController* masterVC = [[MasterViewController alloc]init];//[OCMockObject mockForClass:[MasterViewController class]];
id master = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[DetailViewController class]];
[[master expect] getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
[masterVC doSomething];
[master verify];
IN detailViewController
NSString *returnParam = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@-String",param];
return returnParam;
IN Master view controller
DetailViewController *detail = [[DetailViewController alloc]init];
[detail getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
NSString * returnVal = [detail getStringVal:@"PARAM2"];
NSLog(@"returnVal %@",returnVal);
When I run the tests I get the following error:
doSomething Unknown.m:0: error: -[iOS5ExampleTests testMyTest] : OCMockObject[DetailViewController]: expected method was not invoked: getStringVal:@"PARAM"
It looks as if the method was not called. But if I set a breakpoint the the method, it stops and shows me that the line was executed by the application and I am also getting the logs properly.
getStringVal method gets invoked on the real object, as you have allocated new instance of DetailViewController inside doSomething method, it is not getting called on mocked object.
Instead you can do some modification in the doSomething method
-(void)doSomething:(DetailViewController *)detail
[detail getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
NSString * returnVal = [detail getStringVal:@"PARAM2"];
NSLog(@"returnVal %@",returnVal);
And in your test case
MasterViewController* masterVC = [[MasterViewController alloc]init];//[OCMockObject mockForClass:[MasterViewController class]];
id master = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[DetailViewController class]];
[[master expect] getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
[[master expect] getStringVal:@"PARAM2"];
[masterVC doSomething:master];
[master verify];
This should work.
Colud it be because your Master mock object is using its own details view controller instead of your mock details view controller?
MasterViewController* masterVC = [[MasterViewController alloc]init];//[OCMockObject mockForClass:[MasterViewController class]];
id detailVC = [OCMockObject mockForClass:[DetailViewController class]];
// This is the missing line. If you don't have such a property use setValue:forKey:
masterVC.detailViewController = detailVC
[[master expect] getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
[masterVC doSomething];
[master verify];
// This is the offending line: you should be using the mock object not a real one.
DetailViewController *detail = [[DetailViewController alloc]init];
[detail getStringVal:@"PARAM"];
NSString * returnVal = [detail getStringVal:@"PARAM2"];
NSLog(@"returnVal %@",returnVal);