I would like to parse a web page, insert anchors at certain positions and render the modified DOM out again in order to generate docsets for Dash. Is this possible?
From the examples included in html5ever, I can see how to read an HTML file and do a poor man's HTML output, but I don't understand how I can modify the RcDom
object I retrieved.
I would like to see a snippet inserting an anchor element (<a name="foo"></a>
) to an RcDom
Note: this is a question regarding Rust and html5ever specifically ... I know how to do it in other languages or simpler HTML parsers.
Here is some code that parses a document, adds an achor to the link and prints the new document:
extern crate html5ever;
use html5ever::{ParseOpts, parse_document};
use html5ever::tree_builder::TreeBuilderOpts;
use html5ever::rcdom::RcDom;
use html5ever::rcdom::NodeEnum::Element;
use html5ever::serialize::{SerializeOpts, serialize};
use html5ever::tendril::TendrilSink;
fn main() {
let opts = ParseOpts {
tree_builder: TreeBuilderOpts {
drop_doctype: true,
let data = "<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><a href=\"foo\"></a></body></html>".to_string();
let dom = parse_document(RcDom::default(), opts)
.read_from(&mut data.as_bytes())
let document = dom.document.borrow();
let html = document.children[0].borrow();
let body = html.children[1].borrow(); // Implicit head element at children[0].
let mut a = body.children[0].borrow_mut();
if let Element(_, _, ref mut attributes) = a.node {
let mut bytes = vec![];
serialize(&mut bytes, &dom.document, SerializeOpts::default()).unwrap();
let result = String::from_utf8(bytes).unwrap();
println!("{}", result);
This prints the following:
<html><head></head><body><a href="foo#anchor"></a></body></html>
As you can see, we can navigate through the child nodes via the children
And we can change an attribute present in the vector of attributes of an Element