Trying to find the MSI product code for Java 8 Update 25 in to work with WSUS Package Publisher

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2020-01-13 07:14:29


I'm trying to create a 3rd party custom update through WSUS Package Publisher however I can't manage to get the MSI code for Java as there is no MSI installer to use MSIReader on. If anyone knows how I can find this code then it would be much appreciated. It's managing to make me look bad as a Sys Admin at work.

Cheers, Glympse.


Two solutions :

  • Install the product and search in : HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall
  • Or to be aware that Oracle always used the same schema for these MSI Product code

Java 8 : 26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f83218025f0 = 32 Bit - Java 8u25

Java 7 : 26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F83217045FF = 32 Bit - Java 7u45



Never mind I found the answer myself. I installed the version I wanted to publish on a laptop then searched "ModifyPath" in the registry until I found the correct software in this case Java 8 update 25. Hope this helps if anyone else has this problem.

FYI the following are the 64 ans 32 bit MSI codes for Java 8 update 25

32 BIT - 26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f83218025f0

64 BIT - 26a24ae4-039d-4ca4-87b4-2f86418025f0

Cheers, Glympse.


I think the easiest way is to run

Get-WmiObject Win32_Product

Which will return e.g.

IdentifyingNumber : {26A24AE4-039D-4CA4-87B4-2F64180121F0}
Name              : Java 8 Update 121 (64-bit)
Vendor            : Oracle Corporation
Version           : 8.0.1210.13
Caption           : Java 8 Update 121 (64-bit)

