Windows Azure Notification Hub Error

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-13 06:41:29


I have just gotten this error. Everything was working fine up until this morning.

Error: 400 - The request api-version is invalid because the the notification hub was created in an older version. Re-create the notification hub.

TrackingId:aaed084f-8c8a-49f1-8246-122763437b63_G7,TimeStamp:5/15/2016 3:56:13 AM"

In my node.js table script I am connecting to the hub like so:

var azure = require('azure');

var hub = azure.createNotificationHubService('hubName','connectionString');

And sending like so:

hub.wns.sendRaw(['public'], JSON.stringify(item), function(error){
        console.log("total refresh " + JSON.stringify(item));
       console.log("error sending total refresh " + JSON.stringify(error));

The error response keeps firing. I tried recreating the notification hub but still get the same error.

Does anybody know why? Have Microsoft updated their systems? Do I need to include an update for my javascript windows store application?



The problem is that nodejs sdk doesn't set the api-version at all :) You can temporarily fix this by commenting these lines in the azure-sb module (or fix it in better way somehow):

azure-sb/lib/servicebusserviceclient.js @ line 67:

// Set API version
//  if (webResource.queryString[Constants.ServiceBusConstants.API_VERSION_QUERY_KEY] === undefined) {
        webResource.withQueryOption(Constants.ServiceBusConstants.API_VERSION_QUERY_KEY, Constants.ServiceBusConstants.CURRENT_API_VERSION);
// } else if (webResource.queryString[Constants.ServiceBusConstants.API_VERSION_QUERY_KEY] === null) {
//   delete webResource.queryString[Constants.ServiceBusConstants.API_VERSION_QUERY_KEY];
// }

Anyway, waiting for Microsoft to fix this dumb error...


Yah, thanks @Peter. I created temp module in root "azure-sb-temp", imported instead of "azure" in my notification service, installed packages "azure-common" and "underscore". The last thing is comment @ line 69, 71, 72, 73 at /azure-sb-temp/lib/servicebusserviceclient.js

