I've been trying to compile a very simple test.clj in Clojure without any success. I have a thread on the Clojure Google Group with several responses, but nothing has helped. To quickly summarize, here is my clojure file:
(ns test.test
(defn -main
(println (str "Hello " gre)))
Basically it's the example file provided in the Clojure documentation.
I have placed this file appropiately in clojure/src/test/test.clj
, and should be able to compile with (compile 'test.test)
, but I keep getting the error:
java.io.IOException: The system cannot find the path specified (test.clj:1)which leads me to believe it is a classpath problem. I have tried running Clojure with all the standard commands given in the Clojure documenation as well as the latest suggestion from the thread
java -classpath .;src;classes;clojure.jar clojure.main
If it helps, my filesystem looks like this:
| |-+-test/
| | \-test.clj
P.S. I am running on Vista Ultimate so it may possibly be a permissions problem, but I have checked the permissions and could not find anything wrong with them.
Console output for compiling test.clj on Windows:
C:\clojure>dir /b/s
C:\clojure>java -cp c:\dev\clojure.jar;.\src;.\classes clojure.lang.ReplClojure
user=> (compile 'test.test)
The generated class files are in the classes directory.
Also, note that you're missing a right parenthesis in your main. Corrected version:
(ns test.test
(defn -main
(println (str "Hello " gre)))
C:\clojrue\java -cp .\src;.\classes;clojure.jar
-Dclojure.compile.path=classes clojure.lang.Compile test.test