#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- import os import sys import time rebootCount = int(input("请输入测试次数:")); print ("你输入的次数是: ", rebootCount) def copyright(): print("\n") print("Lenovo R&T automated testing script version 0.1") def usage(): print("Usage : python " + sys.argv[0]) print(" Please turn on the device and make sure that you can use ADB Command.") print("\n") def find_device(): # os.system('adb kill-serve') # os.system('adb start-server') # os.system('adb root') # os.system('adb remount') print("adb devices") os.system('adb devices') def open_camera(): print("打开相机:") os.system('adb shell am start -a android.media.action.STILL_IMAGE_CAMERA') def back(): print("返回") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 4') def backToHome(): print("返回主页") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 3') def menulist(): print("菜单") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 82') def vol_up(): print("音量加") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 24') def vol_dn(): print("音量减") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 25') def mute(): print("扬声器静音") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 164') def take_photo(): print("拍照") os.system('adb shell input keyevent 27') def get_log(name,count): os.system('adb logcat -t 50000 > '+name+count+'.log') def screen_downup(): os.system('adb shell input keyevent 26') def power_downup(): os.system('adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 116 1') os.system('adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0 0 0') os.system('adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 1 116 0') os.system('adb shell sendevent /dev/input/event0 0 0 0') E_BADARGS = 1 copyright() usage() find_device() message = os.popen('adb devices').readlines() print(message) count=len(message) if (count < 3): print("can't find device|找不到设备") sys.exit(E_BADARGS) else: #打开相机拍照 for i in range(0,rebootCount): open_camera() time.sleep(10) take_photo() time.sleep(10) back() count=str(i) get_log(name="take_photo",count=count) print("take photo finish\n") #Camera一直开,休眠唤醒屏幕 for i in range(0,rebootCount): open_camera() time.sleep(10) print("screen down up") screen_downup() time.sleep(10) screen_downup() time.sleep(10) count=str(i) get_log(name="screen_down_up",count=count) print("screen_down_up finish\n") #Camera一直开,模拟按power键 # for i in range(1,5): # open_camera() # time.sleep(10) # print("power down up") # power_downup() # time.sleep(10) # power_downup() # time.sleep(10) # count=str(i) # get_log(name="power_down_up",count=count) # print("power_down_up finish\n") # back() #Camera一直开,模拟按音量、静音键 for i in range(0,rebootCount): open_camera() time.sleep(10) print("vol up") vol_up() time.sleep(10) print("vol down") vol_dn() time.sleep(10) mute() count=str(i) get_log(name="vol_down_up",count=count) print("vol_down_up finish\n") backToHome() menulist() back()