I know this question may seem duplicated but i couldn't find a good solution for my problem. I am using tablayout with viewpager with fragmentPagerAdapter as adapter of viewpager. As you know viewpager is not supporting rtl layout so i have problems in rtl locales. I want to tabs start from right(first tab stick to right side of screen) and user can swipe correctly. How can i do this? Any help?
I have faced this case before and there are 2 solutions
1- let us assume that you have 4 fragments F1,F2,F3 and F4, now you have to fetch all fragments in adapter in reversely as this F4,F3,F2 and F1, once you load your fragments set the select fragment is = pager.setCurrentItem(Titles.length - 1);
and make sure to reverse the titles also.
the second solution is to use custom view pager like
RTL view pager
hope you handle this
The best solution would be to rotate the viewpager to 180:
mViewPager.setRotationY(180); //rotate the viewpager
then, rotate the inner view that contains the content of the tab for tablayout (to reverse the effect on the content).An example in the case of a textview:
if (textView.getRotationY() != 180) {
For PagerTabStrip, you should also rotate 180 the 3 visible tabs:
PagerTabStrip pt= container.findViewById(R.id.pager_tab_strip);
That worked for me in an arabic app. It should work also for any rtl locales.
Good news guys :). Android recently added new UI component called ViewPager2.
Please find below the code and links :
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2:1.0.0"
Improvements from the previous ViewPager implementation:
- RTL (right-to-left) layout support
- Vertical orientation support
- Reliable Fragment support (including handling changes to the underlying Fragment collection)
- Dataset change animations (including DiffUtil support)
Below link explains about Migration guide from ViewPager to ViewPager2:
Also we have demo example :