When i try use zend_eval_string (i make mini php extension), there are no extensions functions avaliable. There are also no errors reporting (if php code have fatal error program exit). What i must do to enable extension and show errors when it executes? I also found interesting value EG(no_extensions)=1; in zend_execute_API.c, but when i change this value to 0 problem not solving. I am newer of c++ and please, tell me how to solve this problem with example.
Sorry for my bad English.
Maybe help
int eval_php_code(char *code) {
int ret = 0;
zend_try {
ret = zend_eval_string(code, NULL, (char *)"" TSRMLS_CC);
} zend_catch {
} zend_end_try();
return ret == FAILURE;