I want to get the RMS after doing the fft to my data in order to get the same result as the RMS of data directly.
I followed this topic https://fr.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/131353-relation-between-fft-and-rms but I can't get the same results, it's a big difference.
By Parseval's theorem "The total energy of a signal is preserved under the Fourier transform ( Parseval's theorem ), so the sum (or integral) of the square of a function is equal to the sum (or integral) of the square of its transform. The RMS would be the square root of that value."
So taking "_tempMonitorChannelValues" as my data, with lenght = 400000 samples, first of all I calculate the RMS of data as follows:
for (int i = 0; i < _tempMonitorChannelValues.Length; i++)
RMSTIME += Math.Pow(_tempMonitorChannelValues[i], 2.0);
RMSTIME = RMSTIME / _tempMonitorChannelValues.Length;
After that, I calculate the fft of "_tempMonitorChannelValues" as follows:
public static VectorDPoint FFT(double[] trama, double samplingFreq)
double fs = samplingFreq; // Sampling frequency
double t1 = 1 / fs; // Sample time
int l = trama.Length; // Length of signal
// Time vector
//Vector t = Normal(0, l, 1) * t1;
//// Values vector
//Vector y = new Vector(trama);
// We just use half of the data as the other half is simetric. The middle is found in NFFT/2 + 1
int nFFT = (int)Math.Pow(2, NextPow2(l));
if (nFFT > 655600)
{ }
// Create complex array for FFT transformation. Use 0s for imaginary part
Complex[] samples = new Complex[nFFT];
for (int i = 0; i < nFFT; i++)
if (i >= trama.Length)
samples[i] = new MathNet.Numerics.Complex(0, 0);
samples[i] = new MathNet.Numerics.Complex(trama[i], 0);
ComplexFourierTransformation fft = new ComplexFourierTransformation(TransformationConvention.Matlab);
ComplexVector s = new ComplexVector(samples);
s = s / l;
Vector f = (fs / 2.0) * Linspace(0, 1, (nFFT / 2) + 1);
VectorDPoint result = new VectorDPoint();
for (int i = 0; i < (nFFT / 2) + 1; i++)
result.Add(new DPoint(f[i], 2 * s[i].Modulus));
s = null;
f = null;
samples = null;
return result;
And finally I calculate the RMS of the modulus in fft:
VectorDPoint fftVector = MathPlus.FFT(_tempMonitorChannelValues, _sampleRate);
double[] fftX, fftY;
fftVector.GetDoubleArrays(out fftX, out fftY);
for (int i = 0; i < (fftY.Length / 2) + 1; i++)
RMSFFT2 += Math.Pow((fftY[i]), 2.0);
RMSFFT2 = Math.Sqrt(RMSFFT2);
I don't know why they are so different results...