I am calling the following curl command, but it is always returning me invalid username/password.
curl -F "login=myemailAddress" -F "password=myPassword" "https://api.cloud.appcelerator.com/v1/users/login.json?key=<API_KEY>"
I am using the key defined in TiApp.xml as acs-api-key-production. Now if I use the same username and password and login through dashboard.appcelerator.com, then I am able to do so.
Can someone please point out as to what issue is this. I am doing a similar implementation in C#, which too is returning the same invalid username/password error.
The username and password should not be from your AppC account, but from an (admin) user you create at:
In the dashboard, navigate to your ArrowDB app > Manage Data > Users > Create User. There should already be an admin user you can use.